Helping the helpers

We founded Fitz to solve glasses for families. While we knew that 3D printing technology would enable us to develop new frame designs (sans screws!), we never dreamed we would find a need to design glasses that would actually save lives.

Like all of you, we here at Fitz were blown away by the tireless work and sacrifice by the healthcare workers fighting Covid-19. We wanted to help, so we reached out to several doctors, nurses, and medical techs on the front lines. We heard that one of the things they were concerned about was protective eyewear, and we sprang into action.

In less than two weeks Fitz team members Katie Brandeau (Head of Product) and Nate Sawyer (Head 3d Rigger) developed a frame designed specifically for doctors and nurses on the front lines.  Fitz Protect provides more facial coverage than traditional glasses (including the eyebrows, which can accumulate viral particles and infect the eyes) and is custom fit to snugly hug the contours of the face and forehead and prevent gaps. 

This collaborative effort between Fitz and healthcare professionals on the front lines could only be made possible through 3D printing (aka additive manufacturing). We were able to iterate and incorporate feedback on an almost daily basis.


The fact that Fitz Protect is available as prescription eyewear is a game changer for healthcare workers, who are currently being advised to refrain from contacts per the American Academy of Ophthalmology. (Did you know that more than 60 percent of doctors wear prescription glasses?!). Fitz Protect glasses are designed to be worn in conjunction with other personal protective equipment to provide an extra line of comfortable defense for doctors and nurses on their feet during 12-18 hour shifts.


The responses we have been getting from doctors and nurses wearing Fitz Protect has been phenomenal. Doctors appreciate this form of effective, comfortable protection that helps them feel safe and do their jobs - one of our Fitz Protect prototypes was worn by a doctor delivering a baby at Mt. Sinai (still waiting to see if the baby is named “Fitz”!).

We’ll be scaling up production over the coming weeks to help get Fitz Protect into the hands of all who need it.

Our CEO, Gabriel Schlumberger, has led the effort to get these glasses, as well as additional personal protective equipment, at no charge to doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers seeing COVID+ patients. 

If you are a medical professional in need of free protective eyewear sign up here.

If you’re a hospital administrator and would like more info, email us at

If you’d like to make a donation to help get more healthcare workers free glasses, please visit our website for more information or, donate here (100% tax deductible).   



We are so grateful to our medical community for the work they are doing and to those of you who are helping us support these heroes.


Take care and stay safe out there,

Team Fitz

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